Political Hackathon - Teams came up with creative solutions to common problems faced by candidates, campaigns, voters, and community organizers. #Politicalhack #vote #system

Political Hackathon - Teams came up with creative solutions to common problems faced by candidates, campaigns, voters, and community organizers. #Politicalhack #vote #system

Teams will be asked to come up with creative solutions to common problems faced by candidates, campaigns, voters, and community organizers. Across the weekend, participants will form teams comprised of front-end and back-end developers as well as political experts (candidates, activists, or others with political expertise) to build a prototype.

Friday, November 3
Kickoff Happy Hour
6:30 PM

We’ll kick things off with a social happy hour. Participants can meet, swap ideas, and finalize teams. We’ll also hear from several local tech leaders about what inspired them to get involved. Finally, the Data Director for the Texas Democratic Party will provide an overview of their existing Voter Activation Network (VAN) database, which will be made available to teams to help with their projects.

Day 1
Saturday, November 4
Begins at 9:00 AM, Ends at 5:00 PM

Teams will each have their own space to collaborate to work on their ideas. Teams will also have access to subject matter mentors who can help answer questions as they arise.

Coffee, lunch and refreshments will be provided. Teams can relocate at 5:00 if they wish to continue working later into the evening.

Day 2
Sunday, November 5
Begins at 9:00 AM, Projects due at 5:00 PM

Judging begins shortly after 5:00. Winner announced by 6:30.

Winning team enjoys eternal glory.

Teams will continue working on their ideas up until 5:00. Coffee, lunch and refreshments will be provided throughout the day. All projects must be submitted by 5:00 sharp. Judging will begin immediately thereafter.

During judging, teams will be given 5 minutes to present their idea. Ideas will be scored based on the following criteria:

Potential impact. How many voters could be influenced or touched by the idea?
Technical feasibility. Could the project be cost effective at the proposed scale?
Technical merits. How impressive is the overall design and execution of the proposed solution?
Following presentations, judges will confer to compare scores and will announce a winner.

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