The steel framing approach. We can build this tiny studio in less than 4 hours.

The steel framing approach. We can build this tiny studio in less than 4 hours.

Essentially we send our 3dmodel to a steel framing machine and it calculates all the measurements for the pieces. Next it cuts them to size, punches holes into them and bends the edges equivalent to a 2" x 4". Once all the pieces are ready, they can be arranged in order and attached using custom screws and a cordless drill with a philips head.

This kit is approx $6,000

Preparing our IoT integration lab for our futurist TinyHackerHouse

Preparing our IoT integration lab for our futurist TinyHackerHouse

Introducing Loomo - Our TinyHouse community robot guardian at your service

Introducing Loomo - Our TinyHouse community robot guardian at your service